Chapter 18: FuckMeHard13

They were my friends, and they died.
Jim Carroll, People Who Died
She's got it coming, but she gets it while she can.
The Beatles, Get Back
The more we talk about it, it only makes it worse to live without it.
The Beach Boys, Wouldn't it be Nice
You light the fire. I'll place the flowers in the vase.
Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young, Our House
Grace Banks, Reneé Garland, Carol Gomes, Phyllis Meltzer, and Ron Nathanson.
A combination of first and last names of ten friends of the author.
…balls to you, Daddy…
The Clash, Brand New Cadillac
And I'll do unto you what you do to me.
The Rascals, People Got to Be Free
You say "potato" and I say "potahto."
Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers, Let's Call the Whole Thing Off
Hello, I love you.
The Doors, Hello, I Love You
Our hostess she ain't lasting.
Randy Newman, Mama Told Me Not to Come
Don't you know it's gonna be — shoo-be-do — alright.
The Beatles, Revolution